Tuesday, May 11 at 2:10 PM

so i've been feeling really restless and unsatisfied lately...longing for something (or someone) to capture my attention. you might even say i've been bored, especially if you go by one of the definitions for bored i found on"tired of the world; ex: bored with life." (yes, i am a dictionary/scrabble/crossword nerd...i'm okay with that.)

tired of this world. bored with life. those statements seem so sad and depressing until i realize what they actually mean, where they are rooted. it reminds me of a song by one of my favorites...

i miss You
by shane barnard and will hunt

put down your paper plate
come to the table made
deep blue china
found on the table by the wine
so fine

it brings out flavor
like You bring out color in life

oh, i miss You so
the feel of forever
oh, that taste i know
it hurts to remember
unfortunately high
ironically dissatisfied
i miss You
i miss You

oh, i miss You so
the feel of forever
oh, that taste i know
it hurts to remember

i had a fleeting thought this morning
and i mentioned you today
it breaks my heart just to know You in part
and not to be with You where You are

i'm sure there will be things in life that make this world more exciting to me...marriage, children, etc., etc. but i doubt that my heartbreak from only knowing Him in part will ever cease...until i am with Him. i just hope to always recognize that "boredom" for what it truly is--my heart crying out for God. for infinitely more than any person, job, or relationship can give me. it's amazing to me that "He has also set eternity in the hearts of men." (ecc. 3:11) why would i ever be surprised by my own restlessness? it makes perfect sense in light of all these things...