top 5 random thoughts of the day...
Tuesday, June 22 at 12:17 PM

5. the "bird" has now become quite commonplace...apparently, it is the new way to show someone that you love and respect him/her (at least that's what i'm choosing to believe). you can even email someone the "bird"...and by "bird," i mean flipping/flicking someone off, the finger, etc., etc. ,,|,,

4. t-shirts that say funny stuff rock. some of the best ones can be found here.

3. my friends obviously don't know how to fill out little surveys. whatever. i still love you all...

2. pms (and all its related maladies) is not fun. or funny. in fact, it is quite the opposite. it'll make a woman upset, sensitive, and just generally moody for no apparent reason. sorry guys. but it sucks even more to be us. trust me. i'm just sayin' is all...

1. i am completely, undeservedly, and awesomely blessed. i know this statement to be true. my life is amazing...i have incredible friends. a job that is an answer to prayer. and a relationship with Jesus Christ that blows my mind. yet i can still whine about things when i don't get exactly what i want when i want it (for an explanation of my whiney post from a few days ago, refer back to #2).

that's all i got today.