this weekend...
Monday, September 26 at 11:11 PM

was fun. good to see the friends and the folks. GREAT sushi at tsunami in g-vegas...if you've never been, you should go. if you think you don't like sushi--wait until you've tried it there. it's that good. nice little atmosphere too.

sunday night at midtown was really exciting. we had an incredible group of people show up to do service around the city. my group went to a women's shelter and helped out with some newsletters. i can't wait to go back and spend more time with the ladies there. i know i've said this several times already, but i just can't express enough how awesome it is to be a part of this thing. columbia is in desperate need and i truly believe that Jesus is about to make His presence known here like never before.

on a personal note, i got a sort of gut check on sunday afternoon as i was heading back to cola. God seems to speak most clearly to me when i'm driving in the car, radio off, just talking to Him and being quiet enough to hear what He's saying. i must look really funny driving down the interstate apparently talking to no one, often getting emotional or using my hands to make my points...oh well. anyway, He has a ridiculously amazing way of reminding me what really matters. i can get so caught up in life and what i want out of it that i forget to ask Him what He wants. things seem complicated, maybe confusing...but then He very simply tells me to just let Him have it. He's the one who knows what He's doing. i certainly do not. there were several situations in my life where i needed to recapture an eternal perspective--quit worrying about the details that seem so important right now and focus on the bigger picture. and can i just tell you? it has been so wonderful to rest in Him.

by the way, one of the areas He really changed my thinking on was the whole job deal. i don't need a full-time job. i need a part-time job so that i can eat and stuff, but that's all. i don't have any expenses really, since He hooked me up with a free place to live. i'm here in cola to do this midtown thing and that is the focus. so, if you've been praying for a job for me (thanks!), just change that prayer to a part-time job that keeps my evenings and weekends pretty free.

love you all. love the new design of the blog (thanks again 'nooga man). love not knowing what's coming tomorrow.