3 words to describe this monday...
Monday, October 31 at 10:52 PM


i've been up since 6am (and if you've been keeping up-to-date you know this is NOT what i've been used to for the last couple of months). i basically didn't stop from the time i woke up until about 20 minutes ago (except for a short break for dinner and a nice conversation with one of my very favoritest favorite fellas--ha, yeah...only the truly amazing things in life elicit that phrase).

i'm tired. it's time to go to bed.

i'm not complaining...every bit of today has been a complete answer to prayer. my body just has to adjust to a normal schedule again. and i have to figure out how to get all the things done in a day that i need to get done. it'll happen...i have no doubt.

i want to say more...but my brain really can't handle any more activity today. seriously.

just know that things are going well here in cola. i'm trying to think of some witty way to end this post...and it's just not happening. good night all.